Proteus - powered by YACAS

Agenda VR3d binary

This is a port of YACAS a computer algebra system by Ayal Pinkus to the fltk toolkit. Our plan is to have a nice CAS for handhelds and workstations.

Currently Proteus is in heavy development and we are getting it to the point where a binary release will be available for the Agenda VR handheld and Linux workstations. Long term is to eventually support Windows and Mac computers as well (seeing that fltk is available for those systems).

Because of differences in interface design there are two flavors of proteus: calculator and worksheet. The overall feel is the same, but the calculator takes into consideration the limitations and advantages of using Proteus on a handheld computer. The interface of the worksheet version is made for ease of use with a keyboard.

The generalized interface includes a page for input, graphing, editing scripts, and html based help. The help interface is integrated with the input so you can have quick access to documentation on functions. As of Jan 30 the input, editor, and html help is fairly complete. Of course like all projects in a early state everything is subject to changes as we adapt the code to needs and ideas.

This doesn't mean that Proteus is vaporware. I'm currently running it on my Agenda VR3d and if you want to see the source in development you can go to the yacas home page downloads section. For now here are some snapshots of both the calculator and worksheet interfaces.

Input Tab

Editor Tab

Help browser

An example of the hints dialog when you enter a function